My MILSURP Community Recommendations
Check out these YouTube channels RIGHT NOW! I put a few spotlight episodes below guaranteed to pique your interest and take you down the rabbit hole.
You can start by opening up this C&Rsenal “prime-gallery” site HERE and stare at the photos for hours like I have done.
Othais and Mae show and know it all.
Firearm and history buffs need to check these out. Expert videos, amazing light box photos and hands-on use by Mae. Start off with Bolt Actions 101, I promise you will lose track of all time.
He shoots it all.
This former teacher has the best home range and shoots every gun you’ll ever want to see on it. Check him out discussing all the U.S. Military Rifles.
Milsurp World
The Sweet Spot of info.
Danny from Milsurp World does a great job of not overloading you with too much information while leaving NOTHING of importance out. Never boring. Check him out here with his Best Bolt Action criteria.
Forgotten Weapons
Seen it all.
Ian has been in the company of every rare, odd, ‘hard to get your hands on’ rifle around and tells you all about them. Here is a SMLE MkIII introduction to Ian.
Slow but steady, knows his stuff.
TheKoba49 is in no hurry, but you should stick around and hear what he has to say, especially about Carcanos, reloading, purchasing, cleaning- just about everything. Here he is talking about black powder guns.
Your man for hands on details.
Misha is the place to go to get your info on just about anything he gets his hands on. You will get the firearm story while getting to look at each rifle he discusses right there on screen the whole time. Check him out and learn!
Readiness Reviews
Milsurp guns AND rations!
This is a fun watch. Learn about ordering milsurp rifles online and restoring/cleaning them. Also he is the top reviewer of MREs from around the world!
These guys just shoot and shoot…
… and going to tell you the straight story. Come here for the truth, and some gripes, on milsurp AND modern firearms. A fun listen.
Milsurp Garage
Whatever is on his mind, we get to learn!
Gives you lots of info on milsurp rifles and ammo, and helpful in pointing out features and differences in rifles. Get to hear about them AND see them shot.
Si vis pacem , para bellum.
See how everything works!
Check out this Lebel 1886 now and keep going through and learn, learn, learn!
9-Hole Reviews
Serious shooting here.
Check out how some serious shooters use these old rifles, and see just how accurate they are!
See these milsurps shot all in a row.
MILSURP Mike Channel
Mike shows off lots of great stuff and is not afraid to share an opinion. Funny and informative, he gives you history, shares stats AND shoots stuff… Niceee.
Who else is mag dumping a 12 round 1889 Schmidt Rubin?
Check out some beautiful old rifles often out in the beautiful country side here.
Mississippi Milsurp
This guy has a lot of energy (turn down your volume) and he shoots everything he gets his hands on, in any condition it seems. He is an RTI mega-fan – so has dozens of theirs.